


How to run a sample » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Henning Blohm, 06.09.2012 09:36) → Revision 10/39 (Henning Blohm, 06.09.2012 09:36)

h1. How to Run a Sample 

 Various z2-based sample system configurations have been prepared as Git repositories.  

 You can run these samples with very few manual steps in a local environment. This How-To describes what you need to do. 

 h2. 0. Pre-Requisites 

 All you need is Java Runtime Environment (JRE) of at least version 6. Preferrably, as that is easier to understand a sample, have the Eclipse IDE installed. 
 Other pre-requisites, for example some database setup may be required based on the specific example, i.e. stuff that cannot be covered here. 

 h2. 1. Prepare a z2-base Installation 

 Create a folder to hold the installation. We will assume that folder is called *sample* 

 In *sample* execute 

 <pre><code class="groovy"> <pre><code> 
 git clone -b master 

 Go into *sample/z2-base.core/run/bin* and run  




 depending on your operating system. A simple graphical console should open up that displays the console log output of the z2 &lt;home&gt; and worker processes - as explained in 

 At the first start, the environment will download required resources, which may take a few minutes - depending on your network bandwidth. Subsequent starts will be faster. 
 Eventually the server should be up and you can go to the basic admin view at http://localhost:8080/adm (use z* with password z) to verify everything is cool. 

 Stop the environment again by either pressing Ctrl+C on the console where you started the GUI or by clicking the Exit button on the GUI. 

 h2. 2. Clone the specific sample repository 

 Given the sample repository is called *z2-samples.sampleX*, go into *sample* once more and run  

 git clone -b master 

 Now start the environment as described above. The environment will now run with the sample configuration and all required dependencies. 

 In other words: That's it. 

 h2. Why does that actually work 

 If you care, here is how everything falls into place: 

 The z2-base.core repository contains a z2 core installation that is bound to a remote "system repository" at As it is by now best practice with z2, that repository contains an *environment* module that describes system specific settings such as other repositories. 

 By cloning the sample repository you put an override of *environment* module into view of the _dev repository_. That is, the local server will take your local definitions with preference over the remote definitions. These may include other remote component repositories such as *z2-addons.spring*. 

 In addition the sample repository contains all the modules holding code and other resources that implement the actual sample. 

 If you already understand how the _dev repository_ works, you will not be surprised to find files called LOCAL in the module folders of cloned repository's workspace. 

 h2. References 

 * Dev Repository: