


Install prepacked CDH4 » History » Revision 17

Revision 16 (Udo Offermann, 21.09.2012 16:45) → Revision 17/20 (Henning Blohm, 21.09.2012 16:59)

h2. Install CDH4 from a preconfigured repository 

 This site provides a pre-configured one-check out user space installation of Cloudera's CDH4 Hadoop and HBase distributions. This page explains how to install it on your machine - which is really, really simple compared to normally suggested Hadoop installation procedures. 

 *Note #1:* This will only work on Linux or Mac OS. A machine with 8GB of RAM should be sufficient. 

 *Note #2:* The repository also contains an Eclipse project file and has Eclipse launchers for most functions required. 

 *Note #3:* This setup is for educational purposes only. It has no security requirements and there is no one taking any liability on anything regardings its use. 

 In short there are the followings steps: 

 # Clone the repository 
 # Adapt your local environment 
 # Format HDFS 
 # Start and stop 

 h3. Clone the repository 

 The pre-configured distribution is stored in the repository "z2-samples-cdh4-base": We assume you install everything (including an Eclipse workspace - if you run the samples) in *install*. 

 <pre><code class="ruby"> 
 cd install 
 git clone -b master 

 h3. Adapt your environment 

 Before you can run anything two customizations are needed: 

 h4. Set important environment variables 

 There is a shell script "": that you should open and change as described. At the time of this writing it is required that you define your JAVA_HOME (please do, even if set elsewhere already) and the NOSQL_HOME, which is the absolute path to the folder that has the ** file. This script is called from elsewhere and having absolute paths in here is a safe way to make sure things will be found. 

 h4. Enable password-less SSH 

 Currently this is still required to have the start / stop scripts running. This requirement may be dropped in the future.  

 If you have not created a unique key for SSH or have no idea what that is, run 

 <pre><code class="ruby"> 

 (just keep hitting enter). Next copy that key over to the machine you want to log on to without password, i.e. localhost in this case (you can get ssh-copy-id from "here": if you don't have it): 

 <pre><code class="ruby"> 
 ssh-copy-id <your user name>@localhost 

 If this fails because your SSH works differently, or ssh will refuse to log on without password please "ask the internet". Sorry. 

 All that matters is that in the end 

 <pre><code class="ruby"> 
 ssh <your user name>@localhost 

 (substituting <your user name> with your actual user name of course) works without asking for a password. 
 In addition it may help to run <code>ssh <your user name>@</code> as well to make sure the host key for that (localhost) address has been verified. 

 h3. Formatting HDFS 

 Finally, the last step before you can start up, is to prepare the local node to store data. This is done by running the ** script. Alternatively you can use the Eclipse launcher of the same name. 

 This should complete without any questions or errors. Otherwise please verify your settings above. 

 h3. Start and Stop 

 Depending on your sample requirements, you can start Hadoop (HDFS, Yarn, the History Server) or HBase (including all the Hadoop services) using the ** script (or launcher) or the ** script (or launcher) respectively. Similarly you can stop everything with the stop scripts. 

 When you have started, after a short while, using *jps* on the command line, you should see the following Java processes (and possibly others of course): 

 <pre><code class="ruby"> 

 and additionally those, if you run HBase: 

 <pre><code class="ruby"> 


 There is lots of other scripts in the distribution that you can use to start or stop single components. If you do however, please run (in the shell): 

 <pre><code class="ruby"> 
 . ./ 
 (note the leading period) 

 If you ran the start script and it returned, here is some URLs you should check to verify everything is looking good: 

 * Try to reach the Namenode at http://localhost:50070 
 * Try to reach the Yarn Nodemanager at http://localhost:8088 

 and, if you are running HBase: 

 * Try to reach the HBase Master at http://localhost:60010 

 *Note:* If you notice that you cannot restart or that HBase is not stopping correctly, that is most likely exactly the case. Sometimes HBase processes do not stop. To make sure there is no process left, use *jps* from the command line and kill remaining processes.