


IntelliJ z2 plugin » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Udo Offermann, 09.05.2014 14:45) → Revision 10/26 (Udo Offermann, 09.05.2014 14:45)

h1. IntelliJ z2 plugin 

 The z2-plugin for IntelliJ IDEA simplifies development with the z2-environment.  
 The following features are supported as of version 1.0: 

 * *[[IntelliJ_z2_plugin#Launching|Launching]]:* Start your z2-environment on your local machine from the IDE 
 * *[[IntelliJ_z2_plugin#z2-sync|z2-sync]]:* *[[IntelliJ_z2_plugin#z2-Sync|z2-Sync]]:* Synchronize your local changes with the z2-environment 
 * *[[IntelliJ_z2_plugin#z2-dependency-resolution|z2 dependency resolution]]:* Resolve missing dependencies from the z2-environment 
 * *[[IntelliJ_z2_plugin#Managing z2-modules|Managing z2-modules]]:* z2-modules can be created and deleted on demand 
 * *[[IntelliJ_z2_plugin#Arming modules|Arming modules]]:* Armed z2-modules become active after z2-Sync. 
 * *[[IntelliJ_z2_plugin#z2-Module wizard|z2-Module wizard]]:* Create new z2-modules with or without Spring support 
 * *[[IntelliJ_z2_plugin#z2-Properties editor|z2-Properties editor]]:* Provides completions and documentation for z2-properties files 

 h2. Installation 


 h2. Preferences 

 The z2-plugin preferences can be found at Project-Settings -> z2-Environment. The typically development settings like host-name=localhost, port=8080, user=z* and password=z are set by default. 
 Once a z2-environment is up and running the settings can be verified using "Test connection...". 

 The field "z2 Home Directory" must point to the folder where the z2-core is installed. This location can be chosen by the file picker dialog or by "Search z2-Home" button. 
 The latter one searches the directory structure within your IntelliJ project folder for a valid z2-Home location. The z2-Home location defines which z2-environment will be started when  
 launching the z2-environment from the IDE. 


 h2. Launching 

 Once the z2-Home is defined, the z2-environment can be launched from the IDE: Select *Tools* -> *Launch z2-environment...*. 
 This will start the z2-environment on your local machine using your local OS JDK (not the one defined in IntelliJ). Beside 
 the standard z2-Swing window the server output is logged inside an IntelliJ tool window (see *View* -> *Tool Windows* -> *z2-environment*). 
 Logs from the z2-server are displayed in red text color while output from the z2-plugin is displayed in blue. 


 h2. z2-sync z2-Sync 

 h2. z2 dependency resolution 

 h2. Managing z2-modules 

 h2. Arming modules 

 h2. z2-Module wizard 

 h2. z2-Properties editor