


V21 » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Henning Blohm, 24.09.2012 13:31) → Revision 8/9 (Henning Blohm, 24.09.2012 13:36)

h1. Z2-Environment version 2.1 

 h2. Version map 

 |_. Component |_. Version | 
 | Jetty | 8.1.4 | 
 | Spring [[Spring add-on]] | 3.1.2 | 
 | Hadoop [[Hadoop add-on]] | CDH4.0.1 | 

 h2. Changes in v2.1 compared to v2.0 

 * Version upgrade of Jetty, Spring 
 * Now including the Hadoop add-on 
 * New repositories on (all accessible via Redmine) 
 * The Gateway feature ([[How to Gateway]]) 
 * Better Git support 
 * Lots of samples 
 * Lots of Eclipsoid enhancements (Repository Browser) tbd 

 h2. References 

 [[How to install z2 v2.1]] 
 [[First steps with z2 v2.1]]