Improvement #2049
Add command line for sync, prepare and log download via jmx.
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The current command line should be extended.
Acceptance Criteria¶
- New z.jar util usages are introduced:
- sync -u <jmx service url> (invoke sync via JMX)
- showlog -u <jmx service url> (invoke log streaming via JMX)
- Use z.jar for the embedded case as well - behaving as z_embedded when there is a -DcomponentName
- preserve z_embedded for compatibility with an adapted manifest.
Updated by Henning Blohm over 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Add command line for sync and log download via jmx. to Add command line for sync, prepare and log download via jmx.
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Henning Blohm about 5 years ago
New command line is:
z2 Manage: Various remotely invoked management commands.
java -cp z.jar Manage <command> <options>
sync The sync performs a synchronization of a running (remote) z2 Home.
showlog Continuously stream the z2 Home log of a running z2 Home to the current stderr.
-url <url>
JMX URL identifying the target z2 Home. Defaults to service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:7777/jmxrmi
The URL may be shortened to <host>:<port> (e.g. localhost:7777)
-user <username>
Username used for JMX authentication. Optional.
-pass <password>
Password used for JMX authentication. Optional. Mandatory when a username has been set
-b <n>
Number of lines to read before current (if available) when running showlog.
java -cp z.jar com.zfabrik.launch.Manage showlog -url host:7777 -user admin -pass admin
z2 MainRunner: Main program execution of z2 components.
java -DcomponentName=<component name> -cp z.jar MainRunner <args>
<component name>
A component name in Z2 identifying a main program component
Parameters passed to the main program
Make sure to either set a Z2_HOME environment variable pointing to the
relevant z2 home installation or specify the system property com.zfabrik.home
when calling the MainRunner:
java -DcomponentName=<component name> -Dcom.zfabrik.home=<home folder> -cp z.jar com.zfabrik.launch.MainRunner <args>
We script prepare for now. z_embedded is just a compatibility version of z.jar.