Bug #2060
Eclipsoid shows no or wrong z2 version at connection test
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It says
Remaining reasons are that eclipsoid actually parses the version expecting a dot-separated sequence of numbers - which is not always true.
Acceptance Criteria¶
- The version parsing in com.zfabrik.eclipsoid.plugin.preferences.EclipsoidPreferencePage is dropped
- The backend supplied version is show as is.
Implementation Hint¶
- Use
curl -u "z*":z http://localhost:8080/eclipsoid/z2info
to test the backend.
Updated by Henning Blohm over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Eclipsoid server-side does not respond with correct z2 version at connection test to Eclipsoid shows no or wrong z2 version at connection test
- Description updated (diff)
- Category changed from z2-base to z2-base-tools-eclipsoid
- Assignee deleted (
Henning Blohm) - Target version changed from 2.10 to 2.11