Feature #844
Eclipsoid: Fix JAR imports/exports
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Updated by Udo Offermann over 12 years ago
Updated by Henning Blohm on 22.12.2010 at 11:18:41
Eclipsoid should expose bin/lib, bin.api/lib, bin/classes, bin.api/classes from its class path container so that the manual project adaptation is not required.
Updated by Udo Offermann over 12 years ago
Updated by Udo Offermann on 14.01.2011 at 13:01:24
fixed with Eclipsoid Version 1.1.0
the following libs are added to the Eclipsoid CP container:
java/bin.api/classes [public: true]
java/bin.api/lib [public: true]
java/bin.impl/classes [public: false]
java/bin.impl/lib [public: true]
// add deprecated lib-structure
java/bin/lib [public: true]
java/bin/classes [public: true]
java/bin/private/lib [public: false]