Feature #2041
Updated by Henning Blohm about 5 years ago
This feature is to complete the remote development feature of Z2. Already now it is possible to resolve dependencies from remote Z2 runtime for the current development system. It is however not possible to upload workspace deltas to a running development system instance.
This feature enables the ability to push local workspace deltas (changed modules with LOCAL tag) to a remote dev repo workspace using the IDE plugins or a local tool.
h2. Acceptance Criterias
* Eclipsoid is enhanced by a REST interface that accept a sync token and a ZIP stream describing module content:
** ... as a delta since a last token (==> consistency)
** ... or as a complete workspace description
* When processing such a POST the server side checks for a single name dev repo workspace that has a REMOTE tag file.
** If no such folder can be found, the interface returns NOT_SUPPORTED
** Otherwise:
*** for any empty module the remote module is disarmed
*** for any non-empty module the module is written exactly as supplied by the ZIP
*** Depending on the mode:
**** In delta mode all other remote modules are retained
**** In full modul all other modules are disamed
*** In full strict mode, all disarmed modules are deleted
* Running z2unit tests for a remote system can be controlled using workspace settings