


Bug #2069

Updated by Henning Blohm about 4 years ago

The current GitCR Implementation uses a fetch ref spec +<X>:<X> to fetch the requested Git source and then checks out FETCH_HEAD,  
 as that showed to be more robust in case X==HEAD. 

 However, when there are no other changes and as we fetch tags as well, FETCH_HEAD may point to the latest tag instead. 

 Also previous experiments have shown that fetching +HEAD:HEAD and checking out HEAD is not reliable as well. 

 h2. Acceptance Criteria Implementation Hint 

 * We have Introduce an artificial ref _Z2_HEAD_ Z2_HEAD and  
 ** if X==HEAD we fetch +HEAD:_Z2_HEAD_ and check out _Z2_HEAD_ +<X>:Z2_HOME 
 ** if X!=HEAD we fetch +X:X and check out X Z2_HOME 
