


How to run Java DB Derby » History » Version 26

Henning Blohm, 05.05.2014 11:08

1 1 Henning Blohm
h2. Running a Java DB Network Server
3 14 Udo Offermann
In samples we use the Java DB, i.e. the SQL database implementation that comes with the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) by Oracle (except for Mac OS in which case you have to use Apache Derby). Java DB is the same as the "Apache Derby DB": - see also the "installation how-to":
4 1 Henning Blohm
5 8 Henning Blohm
The instructions below apply to both, there is only a difference in the installation path. 
6 3 Henning Blohm
For general information on Java DB go to
8 1 Henning Blohm
To run the Java DB in server mode, which is what we want to do, run
<pre><code class="ruby">
mkdir derby
cd derby
java -jar $JAVA_HOME/db/lib/derbyrun.jar server start
17 10 Udo Offermann
assuming you want to run it in the folder *derby*. At a second time you can omit the "mkdir" command of course. The environment variable JAVA_HOME is expected to point to your JDK installation folder. When you installed Apache Derby and followed the instructions mentioned above, you have to replace $JAVA_HOME by $DERBY_HOME.
18 1 Henning Blohm
On Windows run
<pre><code class="ruby">
mkdir derby
cd derby
24 26 Henning Blohm
java -jar "%JAVA_HOME%\db\lib\derbyrun.jar" server start
25 1 Henning Blohm
In order to interactively query Java DB, we recommend to use the Data Source Explorer view in Eclipse. But any SQL client that can make use of JDBC drivers should be fine. The driver for Java DB can be found (at the time of this writing) in *$JAVA_HOME/db/lib/derbyclient.jar* (and similarly on Windows).
28 26 Henning Blohm
*Note:* If you have problems running Derby due to Security Exceptions, it may be necessary to update your security profile as described in (and please make sure you have a good JAVA_HOME and PATH setting).
32 15 Udo Offermann
33 23 Udo Offermann
h2. Alternative: Using the DB-Worker Node Add-on (no separate RDBMS installation required)
34 1 Henning Blohm
35 18 Udo Offermann
you can also use the new [[DB_Worker_Node_Add-on|DB Worker Node Add-on]] which bundles the z2-Environment together with Apache Derby RDBMS inside one setup, so you don't need to install any extra database software.
36 1 Henning Blohm
37 19 Udo Offermann
*How to change the samples to use the DB Worker node?*
38 16 Udo Offermann
39 23 Udo Offermann
You have to add the DB Worker Node Add-on to your samples environment and tell the server to start the DB worker node beside the web worker. 
40 20 Udo Offermann
For this you can use the two files attached to this page:
41 16 Udo Offermann
42 24 Udo Offermann
* *"":* - points to the z2 component repository containing the DB Worker Node Add-on
43 25 Udo Offermann
* *"":* - a slightly changed _home layout_ that launches the DB worker in addition to the web worker
44 16 Udo Offermann
45 22 Udo Offermann
Just download these two files and put them under @.../install/z2-samples.XYZ/environment/@ - where @z2.samples.XYZ@ must be replaced by the concrete sample name like @z2-samples.spring-hibernate@
46 16 Udo Offermann