


Sample-jta-plain » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Henning Blohm, 15.09.2012 10:37) → Revision 3/25 (Henning Blohm, 15.09.2012 10:44)

h1. Using Z2 z2 with a Transaction Manager 

 (Work in progress) 

 This sample demonstrates how to use Z2 with the Atomikos transaction manager. There is another sample that shows how to use Z2 with a Spring configured transaction manager. See [[sample-jta-spring]]. In contrast to that, this sample is less sophisticated but probably better suited to understand the underlying mechanics. 

 The Wiki page [[How_to_TransactionManager]] explains the general principles behind transaction handling in Z2. 

 This sample is stored in "z2-samples.jta-plain": 

 h2. Pre-Requisites 

 This sample assumes the presence of a MySQL database system on localhost with a database called "z_tx_tests" for which a user "tx" with password "tx" has full permissions. If you have a running MySQL server these SQL commands do the trick: 

 <pre><code class="SQL"> 
 create database z_tx_tests; 
 grant all on z_tx_tests.* to tx@localhost identified by 'tx'; 

 h2. Running the sample 

 This sample is run as explained in [[How to run a sample]]. The 5 minutes version: 

 <pre><code class="ruby"> 
 mkdir install 
 cd install  
 git clone -b master 
 git clone -b master 

 # on Linux / Mac OS: 
 cd z2-base.core/run/bin 

 # on Windows: 
 cd z2-base.core\run\bin 

 h2. Verifying 

 When everything is up, go to http://localhost:8080/tx.plain. You see something like this:  


 And indeed, the implemented function is rather obvious: Manage a table of strings. 

 h2. Now to the point...