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Udo Offermann, 10.09.2012 16:02
How to install z2 v2.1¶
How to install z2-environment¶
Installation of the z2-environment is very easy. We tested the installation on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows Vista.
You need a properly setup JDK 6 - that's all.
A halfway modern system will do.
It is benefical to use the Eclipse IDE (Ganymed, Helios or Indigo work all fine). There's a small Eclipse plugin called "Eclipsoid" which makes it easier to develop z2 applications within Eclipse (see First steps with z2 for more details). However you can use any IDE (including vi and notepad) together with z2.
Creating a home for z2¶
This is a best practice approach (and other approaches are possible). We recommend to keep the repositories and the IDE workspace close together. This way we don't need to adjust the path settings in the z2 configuration files and they can remain relative paths.
Create a folder called z2-base inside your favorite/home/development/what-ever directory and enter it:
:dev$ mkdir z2-base :dev$ cd z2-base
Cloning the sources¶
As described in What_is_z2 the z2-base project contains several repositories.
You always start with the core repository. Create a clone from which will checkout the "v2.1" branch automatically:
:z2-base$ git clone Cloning into core... :z2-base$ cd z2-base.core :z2-base.core$ git branch * v2.1
That's all you need to do in order to install the z2-environment and you can start the server right away
if you have setup JDK 6 properly.
Start the z2-environment¶
The start scripts are located inside run/bin
and are called on Unix based systems like Linux and Mac OS and go.bat on Windows. There's also a gui-based version that we will discover later.
:z2-base.core$ cd run/bin :bin$ ./ & 09/10 15:59:10 [1]...hers.HomeLauncher[800]: Z2 Home Launcher, (c) ZFabrik Software KG 2010, 2011, 2012 09/10 15:59:10 [1]...ProcessRunnerImpl[800]: Running core build 201208241554 as udoo in z2 home /Users/udoo/dev/temp/z2-base-v2.1/z2-base.core/run/bin/../.., timezone Europe/Berlin, language de, region null 09/10 15:59:10 [1]...ProcessRunnerImpl[800]: Using VM v1.6.0_35 by Apple Inc. at /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home on Mac OS X (arch: 10.6.8) 09/10 15:59:10 [1]...ProcessRunnerImpl[800]: ************************************ 09/10 15:59:10 [1]...ProcessRunnerImpl[800]: *** Running in DEVELOPMENT mode! *** 09/10 15:59:10 [1]...ProcessRunnerImpl[800]: ************************************ 09/10 15:59:10 [1]...entRepositoryImpl[800]: Using GitCR com.zfabrik.boot.config/systemRepository (origin=, branch=v2.1) com.zfabrik.impl.gitcr.GitComponentRepositoryImpl@71b8b3bb,repo:246d0e3e, component:com.zfabrik.boot.config/systemRepository, prio:500, checkDepth:1073741823, fileSystem:com.zfabrik.components.provider.fs.FileSystemImpl@151ff451, root:/Users/udoo/dev/temp/z2-base-v2.1/z2-base.core/run/bin/../../work/repos/246d0e3e/git 09/10 15:59:12 [1]...entRepositoryImpl[800]: Pulled deltas from GitCR com.zfabrik.boot.config/systemRepository (origin=, branch=v2.1) within 1684msec ... 09/10 15:59:12 [18]...ent/webWorker@0.1[800]: Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5100 ... 09/10 15:59:13 [18]...ent/webWorker@0.1[800]: INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started SelectChannelConnector@ ... 09/10 15:59:16 [1]...stemStateResource[800]: System state attained: com.zfabrik.boot.main/home_up 09/10 15:59:16 [1]...hers.HomeLauncher[800]: Completed home process initialization press (q)uit, (c)omponents, (f)oundation props, (s)ystem props, s(y)nc repo, (v)erify, (g)c:>
This means the z2-environment is up and running and excepting requests on localhost port 8080, just try it: http://localhost:8080/helloworld.
On the next page we will do some first step with z2 in combination with the Eclipse IDE. It's quite handy to run the z2 server from inside Eclipse, so you should stop it now by pressing 'q'.
Updated by Udo Offermann over 12 years ago · 10 revisions