


Step 3 - First steps with Z2 on Git » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Udo Offermann, 10.09.2012 16:12) → Revision 4/69 (Udo Offermann, 10.09.2012 16:42)

h1. First steps with z2 v2.1 

 [[How_to_install_z2_v21|prev]] :: [[Z2_v21|home]] 

 h2. Prerequisites First steps with the z2-environment 

 You need a cloned z2-base.core repository as described on the [[How_to_install_z2_v21|previous]] page. 
 Furthermore previvous page you need the "Eclipse-IDE": (one of Galileo, Helios, Indigo or Juno saw [[How_to_install_z2_v21|How to install a z2 system]] and start it. Actually this is fine) and the "Egit plg-in:":  

 h2. First steps already enough to run a productive site (of course a productive site would be combined with the z2-environment 

 a web server like Apache). 
 As the next step you will learn how to do the first development steps using Eclipse. Please stop the server before you continue because we will now show you how to start it from inside the Eclipse IDE. "Eclipse-IDE": (one of Galileo, Helios, Indigo or Juno is fine). 

 We recommend to keep the repositories and workspace close together. So please go Change back to the "z2-base" directory path (@cd ../../..@, if you are still inside the "run/bin" directory) and create a folder called "workspace" - this will be used as the workspace root for Eclipse: 

    :bin$ cd ../../.. 
    :z2-base$ mkdir workspace 
    :z2-base$ ls -l 
    total 0 
    0 drwxr-xr-x     2 mr_x    staff     68    7 Sep 16:34 workspace 
    0 drwxr-xr-x    12 mr_x    staff    408    7 Sep 15:11 z2-base.core 


 Now start Eclipse and choose @.../z2-base/workspace@ as your workspace folder. 

 We have to add the core repository to the EGit repositories view. Detailed documentation of how-to work with EGit can be found on the "EGit Wiki pages": 
 On the Git repositories view choose "Add an existing local Git repository". In the "Directory" field type in the path to the ".../z2-base" directory.  
 After hitting "search" the search results should list the _z2-base.core_ repository, click "finish" and the repositories view should look like this: 

 The z2-environment provides an Eclipse plug-in called "Eclipsoid" that enables to conveniently develop z2 applications.  
 Developing modular software requires that the IDE can resolve the dependencies between the single project.  
 So either you import all projects into your workspace or you live with the red x-markers. The third option is that someone 
 resolves the dependencies for you - this is what the Eclipsoid does. This way you can checkout and focus on one project while 
 the Eclipsoid plug-in provides the transitive closure of all required prjects and libraries. There are other features that are 
 explained in more details on the [[Eclipsoid]] wiki pages. 

 h2. Installation of the Eclipsoid plug-in 

 The Eclipsoid plug-in is part of the z2-environment that you cloned 5 minutes ago. So make sure that your local server is up and running (see [[How_to_install_z2_v21|How to install z2]]). 
 Once Eclipse is launched open the software update/installation wizard (in Indigo it's located at "Help/Install New Software...") and use http://localhost:8080/eclipsoid/update as update-site URL 
 (the field labled "Work with"): 

 bq. !Install_Eclipsoid.png! 

 Complete the installation wizard (you can speed up the installation procedure by deselecting "Contact all update sites during install...") and restart Eclipse.  
 Now you should see a new menu entry labled "z2-Environment" and two new icons: 

 [[How_to_install_z2_v21|prev]] :: [[Z2_v21|home]]