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Udo Offermann, 13.09.2012 10:07

Step 4 - First steps with Z2 on SVN

Step_3_-_First_steps_with_Z2_on_Git describes how to develop Z2 applications with Git using the Eclipse IDE. Z2 also supports SVN which is shown on this page.
The overall approach is the same: The single parts of the z2-environment - such as the core, base, add-ons, application - are stored in repositories,
and Z2 loads the source code and 3rd party libraries directly from SVN using SVNKit. In opposite to Git one will put the single z2-repositories
(we call them component repositories, because they are the sources for the z2 components) into one SVN repository installation.


You need a properly setup JDK 6 on Linux, Mac OS X or Windows - that's all.
A halfway modern system will do.

This how-to uses the SVN VCS, you just need to have the SVN client installed on your system (we're using SVN version 1.6 and 1.7).
You can also run Z2 with Git as described on Step 2 - Install and run in 5 minutes and [[]].

It is benefical to use the Eclipse IDE (Ganymed, Helios or Indigo work all fine). There's a small Eclipse plugin called "Eclipsoid" which makes it easier to develop z2 applications within Eclipse (see Step 3 - First development steps for more details). However you can use any IDE (including vi and notepad) together with z2.

Updated by Udo Offermann over 12 years ago · 3 revisions