Bug #877
Lacking support of custom Transaction Managers
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Currently the TM integration is actually Jetty specific. It should be simple to integrate any transaction manager simply as a
component declaration.
a) The "java:" JNDI scheme is owned by JEE, e.g. Jetty, Tomcat. We do not intercept to bind - rather bind on the web app level via reference
b) Transaction Manager as well as User TX can be looked up via JNDI component lookups with ?type= params.
Solve this issue in conjunction with a comprehensive Hibernate+Jetty/Tomcat example and #868
Updated by Henning Blohm about 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Removed the "java:" override.
Provided samples on how to use Atomikos in plain Java apps and Atomikos with Hibernate and Spring.
There will be no particular JTA support beyond the simple pseudo-distributed com.zfabrik.jta.