Bug #980
Eclipsoid runtime classpath resolution problem
When computing the runtime classpath of a project the Eclipsoid plugin ignores all
dependency libs that are not of a component <module>/java. So includes are ignored.
Updated by Udo Offermann almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- resolve cps for runtime (executing within the IDE)
- resolve source files for remote z2 debugging
Eclipse uses the same mechanism for both approaches and Eclipse's default behavior seems to be right for use case #1: The Eclispoid cp container is considered and its entries are correctly resolved.
The same happens during a debug session but here sometimes one need a much broader scope. This has to be investigated further...
Updated by Udo Offermann almost 12 years ago
in case of remote debugging:
- add all open z2-project sources & libs
- add all z2 libs (inside .eclipsoid folder)
Updated by Udo Offermann almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
resolved with Eclipsoid version
Updated by Udo Offermann almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to In Progress
Missing sources within remote debugging.
Updated by Udo Offermann almost 12 years ago
published com.zfabrik.eclipsoid.feature_2.2.0.201303190956-alpha.jar
Updated by Udo Offermann almost 12 years ago
Eclipsoid does not provide source files from JARs inside referenced projects even if a corresponding source-jar is available
Updated by Henning Blohm over 11 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
- Target version changed from 2.2 to 14
Updated by Udo Offermann about 11 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Findings so far:
Given two Projects A and B where A needs B.
A is opened in Eclipse, B is not¶
All resources offered by B are provided by the Eclipsoid servlet /apijars.
A and B are both opened and armed in Eclipse¶
Java sources in B are visible to referencing projects because Eclipse exports sources automatically.
The Eclipsoid plug-in adds all jars found in all z2-component folders as java library to the classpth. API jars are set as public so that referncing projects will see them. See:
IFolder[] libCandidates = getAllZ2ComponentsFolders(jProj);
in com.zfabrik.eclipsoid.client.StartEclipsoid#getClassPathEntries(IJavaProject jProj) (line 365)
- @private IFolder[] getAllZ2ComponentsFolders(IJavaProject jProj) {...} (line 398ff)