Bug #981
Eclipsoid classpath container does not expose included for in-workspace references
When referencing a Z project from a Z project in an eclipse workspace, Eclipsoid creates an Eclipse project references between the two projects.
If the dependent project however included libs from the dependency project, say via
then those are are not exposed via the eclipse project reference.Point is: The Eclipse class path container of the dependency project does not contain all libs from all include components of its module (looking for component type java would be sufficient).
Workaround: Expose them manually by fixing the eclipse project definition of the dependency project.
Updated by Udo Offermann almost 12 years ago
The problem is that Eclipsoid only considers the java component as library source.
The solution is to scan all z2 folder-based components.
Updated by Udo Offermann almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset z2-base:tools|commit:e561b0865c590f0f9a3f9613df96455f74d0455a.
Updated by Udo Offermann almost 12 years ago
resolved with Eclipsoid version