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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated Category Target version Estimated time Spent time Created origin
895 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal Eclipsoid depends on EGit 2.0.0 Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 13.09.2012 16:25 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 10.09.2012 15:10 Actions
945 z2-Environment Bug Rejected Normal Eclipsoid plug-in throws RTE when connected to Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 13.11.2012 13:18 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid 0.00 22.10.2012 14:16 Actions
2105 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal Eclipsoid Returns wrong version Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 12.10.2021 18:02 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid z2-Environment - 2.9b 0.00 14.09.2021 19:05 Actions
926 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal Eclipsoid throws Exception in z2-core Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 20.07.2013 11:34 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid z2-Environment - 2.2 0.00 04.10.2012 12:05 Actions
1742 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal IntelliJ z-plugin throws ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Z2Icons Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 19.05.2014 17:52 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 09.05.2014 15:22 Actions
1757 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal IntelliJ z2-plugin does not detect z2-modules correctly Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 03.06.2014 17:32 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 03.06.2014 12:49 Actions
869 z2-Environment Bug Closed Normal Java component usage not safe in concurrent home usage Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 10.06.2018 14:46 z2-core z2-Environment - 3.0 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
1481 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal java.privateIncludes: changed libraries are not invalidated Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 30.08.2013 15:50 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 13.08.2013 16:13 Actions
910 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal Redmine interpretes log-levels in z2-logfiles as issue links Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 24.09.2012 18:03 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 24.09.2012 16:10 Actions
1027 z2-Environment Bug Closed Normal Running MR job on /mt-admin fails Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 29.06.2013 23:07 z2-addon-hadoop 0.00 09.04.2013 17:25 Actions
1634 z2-Environment Bug Rejected Normal Servlet 3.0 Annotations @WebServlet not working Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.09.2021 14:02 z2-base 0.00 09.01.2014 11:17 Actions
1453 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal Unable to process recursive tag files Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 09.08.2013 18:35 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.2 0.00 23.07.2013 10:07 Actions
959 z2-Environment Bug Closed Normal z2-samples.cdh4-base has conflicting project identifier Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 11.03.2013 22:31 z2-samples 0.00 11.12.2012 17:08 Actions
1946 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal Z2UnitTestRunner absorbs InitializationError from org.junit.runners.ParentRunner Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 17.04.2017 16:58 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.5 2.00 0.00 23.03.2016 14:10 Actions
925 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Add DevRepo to Eclipsoid's Repo-View Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 22.10.2012 15:11 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid z2-Environment - 2.2 0.00 02.10.2012 17:52 Actions
970 z2-Environment Feature Closed Normal Add Groovy Support Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 29.06.2013 23:07 z2-Environment - 2.2 16.00 0.00 07.02.2013 20:08 Actions
2102 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Add JMX Log-Level Counter (analog to Hadoop) Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 07.11.2021 15:23 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.5.7 0.00 13.09.2021 15:29 Actions
1869 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Allow alternative SVN client implementations for SVNCR Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 08.09.2015 09:55 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.3.1 0.00 30.12.2014 12:17 Actions
873 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Armen immer ermöglichen Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 07.09.2012 09:39 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
982 z2-Environment Feature Closed Normal DB worker node Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 29.06.2013 23:07 z2-addon z2-Environment - 2.2 24.00 0.00 01.03.2013 11:48 Actions
876 z2-Environment Feature Closed Normal devcr: support 2nd-level folders Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 24.08.2012 10:24 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.1 2.00 0.00 13.08.2012 14:25 Actions
940 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Eclipsoid - Add Javadocs to Eclipsoid CPC if available Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 13.11.2012 13:20 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid z2-Environment - 2.2 0.00 17.10.2012 15:19 Actions
1740 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Eclipsoid should inform which modules are affected by sync Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 08.05.2014 14:31 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 07.05.2014 15:00 Actions
947 z2-Environment Feature Rejected Normal Eclipsoid should request data only for the visible views Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 08.09.2015 10:03 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 23.10.2012 12:15 Actions
951 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Eclipsoid z2-info plug-in: add sorting strategy per view Udo Offermann Udo Offermann 25.10.2012 21:22 z2-base-tools-eclipsoid z2-Environment - 2.2 0.00 25.10.2012 20:45 Actions
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