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Henning Blohm, 21.09.2012 10:21

An introduction to Z2 Java components

The one, probably most essential component type, is that of Java components. Per se, modules in Z2 are not "Java modules" (unlike in OSGi for example). From its underlying model, Java code is handled like any other component resource. There is however important conventions that do make Java components special.

Java components play an important role in Z2 modularization, as re-use of code is one of the driving motivations for modularization. Z2 offers a moderately sophisticated way of re-use via inclusion or class loading delegation that is still simple enough that typical Java and Java EE approaches still work without painful adaptations and that you can - in many cases - ignore the more complex, problematic situations.


API and Implementation

Classloading in Z2

Referencing and including Java resources from other modules


Updated by Henning Blohm over 12 years ago · 5 revisions