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Henning Blohm, 17.01.2015 11:33
The z2-Environment is an open source infrastructure to develop, configure, and run standard Java solutions without the need for executing builds nor the need for recurring application deployments and so reduces development operations costs significantly.
The z2-Environment compiles code and loads configuration and resources as required and selectively from local or remote sources, such as your development workspace, a local file system, a remote Git repository, or a Maven artifact repository, leading to fast development roundtrips and consistent system deployments, and ultimately to minimized integration pains.
The z2-Environment implements a simple and flexible but still effective modularization approach and component model that lets you keep up with the needs of large application development.
[Getting Started]
To understand how z2 works, you need to understand at most what are z2 [modules and components] and what are [component repositories] and how these concepts interplay.
It is however simplest to start by running a simple Java main program in a modular context.
To do so, first install a [z2env core] and secondly write [A „Hello World“ program]
[Extending z2env]
Assuming that a command line application is not what you are really up to, there are simple means to extend the [z2env core] with add-ons. Currently the following add-ons are available or planned
- [z2env-devtools] Support for development, in particular when using Eclipse and IntelliJ
- [z2env-tomcat] Develop modular Web application in z2 and run them in a given Tomcat Web Container (TomEE not tested yet)
- [z2env-spring] Supporting utilities to use Spring in Z2 (PLANNED)
- [z2env-hibernate] Supporting utilities to use Hibernate/JPA in Z2 (PLANNED)
[Install z2env Core]
The z2 core is the most fundamental piece of the z2 eco-system, and it is exactly sufficient to run main programs from the command – within the component and module model, as well as with full pull and compile on demand.
[A „Hello World“ program]
[Understanding Z2]
On-Demand => Kein Build => Struktur => Modulkonzept.
[Essential Concepts]
[The Component Model]
[Java Components]
[Building the Core]
Updated by Henning Blohm about 10 years ago · 1 revisions