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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated Category Target version Estimated time Spent time Created origin
1695 z2-Environment Improvement Resolved High use string as component revision Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 28.01.2015 14:18 z2-core z2-Environment - 3.0 0.00 21.03.2014 16:51 Actions
1692 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Urgent Workunit fails with concurrent modification error when resource registers in beforeCompletion Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 13.03.2014 10:46 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 12.03.2014 17:35 Actions
1945 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal Wrong revision used when scanning components of new SVN branch Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 27.02.2016 16:31 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.5 0.00 26.02.2016 21:55 Actions
2143 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Urgent Z2 Component Classloading not overwriting Java 9 module based findClass. Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 12.12.2022 16:53 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.9.3 0.00 12.12.2022 15:46 Actions
1066 z2-Environment Bug Closed High z2 core when started embedded does not resolve JNDI lookups for components Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 15.06.2013 21:11 z2-core 0.00 12.06.2013 11:46 Actions
2068 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal z2 use of JDT compiler does not support upper-case package names. Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 11.03.2021 21:37 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.9 0.00 04.05.2020 13:45 Actions
858 z2-Environment Bug Closed High Cannot add repo in armed environment Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.07.2012 17:23 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
909 z2-Environment Bug Closed High com.zfabrik.impl.gitcr.GitComponentRepositoryImpl.scan() invoke two times during sync Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 04.10.2012 09:19 z2-core 0.00 24.09.2012 16:05 Actions
871 z2-Environment Feature Rejected High Component Type default to "any" component Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 27.07.2012 16:08 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
922 z2-Environment Bug Closed Urgent Eclipsoid component is not started when some other web app fails Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 20.07.2013 11:34 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.2 0.00 28.09.2012 16:14 Actions
864 z2-Environment Bug Closed High Even if UUID didn't changed, SVNCR reports: Found changed subversion UUID for repo. Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.07.2012 17:23 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
872 z2-Environment Improvement Resolved Normal fix "resolves to a package" message upon class not found in ECJ adapter Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 15.04.2014 16:50 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 Actions
870 z2-Environment Bug Closed High Implement Jar File cache Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.07.2012 17:23 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
869 z2-Environment Bug Closed Normal Java component usage not safe in concurrent home usage Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 10.06.2018 14:46 z2-core z2-Environment - 3.0 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
1481 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal java.privateIncludes: changed libraries are not invalidated Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 30.08.2013 15:50 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 13.08.2013 16:13 Actions
850 z2-Environment Bug Closed Urgent logger component resets file handlers Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.07.2012 17:23 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
874 z2-Environment Feature Closed Normal Make sure dev repo comes right after base Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 06.08.2012 10:47 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
868 z2-Environment Bug Rejected Urgent Support enlist=JTA in Z2 Data Source Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 22.08.2012 11:09 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
866 z2-Environment Feature Closed High Support Main Program components without requiring a Resource implementation Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.07.2012 17:23 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
841 z2-Environment Feature Closed Normal support pure configuration components without type Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 02.08.2012 19:24 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:22 trac Actions
863 z2-Environment Bug Closed High System state participation not loaded if dependencies failed Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.07.2012 17:23 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
835 z2-Environment Support Closed High Trac läuft - bitte testen Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.07.2012 17:22 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:22 trac Actions
1451 z2-Environment Improvement Resolved Normal Unify "Relaxed" settings for different Component Repositories Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 27.03.2014 16:32 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 22.07.2013 10:04 Actions
865 z2-Environment Bug Closed High Unnecessary re-compilation of java components Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.07.2012 17:23 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
883 z2-Environment Bug Closed High webWorkerUp stops starting webapps if one webapp fails Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 03.09.2012 17:29 z2-core 0.00 24.08.2012 09:45 Actions
856 z2-Environment Bug Rejected Immediate z2 jar creation creates corrupted zip in rare cases Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.07.2012 17:23 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
2173 z2-Environment Bug New Normal All exceptions thrown in class Z2JupiterTestServlet should be logged Jonas Bassl Henning Blohm 08.03.2024 10:33 z2-dev-utils z2-Environment - 2.11 0.00 07.03.2024 16:07 Actions
900 z2-Environment Bug Closed High Sample-spring-basic doesn't work on Windows Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 24.09.2012 18:32 z2-samples z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 13.09.2012 17:53 Actions
2009 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Update samples to v2.6 version Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 17.09.2018 10:39 z2-samples z2-Environment - 2.6 0.00 13.06.2018 22:22 Actions
959 z2-Environment Bug Closed Normal z2-samples.cdh4-base has conflicting project identifier Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 11.03.2013 22:31 z2-samples 0.00 11.12.2012 17:08 Actions
1894 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal 3.0 build should not overwrite shell scripts or remove repositories when copying Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 14.04.2015 00:36 z2env z2-Environment - 3.0 0.00 12.04.2015 16:42 Actions
1890 z2-Environment Bug Resolved High AbstractComponentRepo stores absolute path of location Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 19.04.2015 22:38 z2env z2-Environment - 3.0 2.00 0.00 25.03.2015 16:20 Actions
1895 z2-Environment Improvement Resolved Normal Introduce boot.config/reposUp system state Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 14.04.2015 00:36 z2env z2-Environment - 3.0 0.00 12.04.2015 17:04 Actions
1893 z2-Environment Feature New Normal Port reference documentation Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 15.04.2017 13:32 z2env z2-Environment - 3.0 0.00 12.04.2015 16:34 Actions
1917 z2-Environment Improvement Resolved Normal Port worker process management Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 27.08.2015 09:55 z2env z2-Environment - 3.0 0.00 25.08.2015 19:44 Actions
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