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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated Category Target version Estimated time Spent time Created origin
889 z2-Environment Bug Closed High WorkerSoul reads target states list before attaining worker_up Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 18.09.2012 18:05 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 03.09.2012 15:39 Actions
888 z2-Environment Feature Closed Normal Component repositories should issue a warning when noticing duplicate components Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 18.09.2012 18:05 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 03.09.2012 11:26 Actions
887 z2-Environment Feature Rejected Normal Dev Repo should issue a warning when finding duplicate modules Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 10.09.2012 15:00 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 03.09.2012 11:23 Actions
886 z2-Environment Feature Closed Normal Implement JTA invocation logging Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 03.09.2012 17:29 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 28.08.2012 10:59 Actions
885 z2-Environment Feature Rejected Normal Support more DataSource flags w.r.t JTA Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 08.09.2012 10:48 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 27.08.2012 16:15 Actions
881 z2-Environment Bug Closed High Resource Impl not dropped when component type has changed Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 26.08.2012 13:40 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 21.08.2012 18:11 Actions
877 z2-Environment Bug Closed High Lacking support of custom Transaction Managers Henning Blohm Henning Blohm 18.09.2012 18:05 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.1 0.00 20.08.2012 17:51 Actions
2173 z2-Environment Bug New Normal All exceptions thrown in class Z2JupiterTestServlet should be logged Jonas Bassl Henning Blohm 08.03.2024 10:33 z2-dev-utils z2-Environment - 3.0 0.00 07.03.2024 16:07 Actions
882 z2-Environment Bug Closed High No Workunit present on request thread Redmine Admin Henning Blohm 24.08.2012 10:05 z2-base 0.00 23.08.2012 11:23 Actions
2118 z2-Environment Feature New Normal Expose Webapp Response Times via JMX Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 25.10.2021 09:36 0.00 25.10.2021 09:36 Actions
2104 z2-Environment Improvement Resolved Normal Get rid off Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 07.11.2021 15:23 z2-Environment - 2.9.1b 0.00 14.09.2021 17:32 Actions
2103 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Provide read-only web access to JMX Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 07.11.2021 15:23 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.9.1b 0.00 13.09.2021 15:37 Actions
2102 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Add JMX Log-Level Counter (analog to Hadoop) Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 07.11.2021 15:23 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.5.7 0.00 13.09.2021 15:29 Actions
2101 z2-Environment Feature New Normal Z2-Info Pane as z2 webapp Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 11.10.2022 21:57 z2-base z2-Environment - 3.0 0.00 13.09.2021 14:14 Actions
1950 z2-Environment Feature Resolved Normal Z2Unit-TestExecutor should support Junit suites and Parameterized tests Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 03.12.2017 10:28 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.6 0.00 20.06.2016 11:24 Actions
1634 z2-Environment Bug Rejected Normal Servlet 3.0 Annotations @WebServlet not working Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 23.09.2021 14:02 z2-base 0.00 09.01.2014 11:17 Actions
1481 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal java.privateIncludes: changed libraries are not invalidated Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 30.08.2013 15:50 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 13.08.2013 16:13 Actions
1453 z2-Environment Bug Resolved Normal Unable to process recursive tag files Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 09.08.2013 18:35 z2-base z2-Environment - 2.2 0.00 23.07.2013 10:07 Actions
1451 z2-Environment Improvement Resolved Normal Unify "Relaxed" settings for different Component Repositories Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 27.03.2014 16:32 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.3 0.00 22.07.2013 10:04 Actions
1027 z2-Environment Bug Closed Normal Running MR job on /mt-admin fails Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 29.06.2013 23:07 z2-addon-hadoop 0.00 09.04.2013 17:25 Actions
959 z2-Environment Bug Closed Normal z2-samples.cdh4-base has conflicting project identifier Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 11.03.2013 22:31 z2-samples 0.00 11.12.2012 17:08 Actions
922 z2-Environment Bug Closed Urgent Eclipsoid component is not started when some other web app fails Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 20.07.2013 11:34 z2-core z2-Environment - 2.2 0.00 28.09.2012 16:14 Actions
909 z2-Environment Bug Closed High com.zfabrik.impl.gitcr.GitComponentRepositoryImpl.scan() invoke two times during sync Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 04.10.2012 09:19 z2-core 0.00 24.09.2012 16:05 Actions
883 z2-Environment Bug Closed High webWorkerUp stops starting webapps if one webapp fails Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 03.09.2012 17:29 z2-core 0.00 24.08.2012 09:45 Actions
874 z2-Environment Feature Closed Normal Make sure dev repo comes right after base Udo Offermann Henning Blohm 06.08.2012 10:47 z2-core 0.00 23.07.2012 17:23 trac Actions
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