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Udo Offermann, 11.09.2012 13:23


The z2-environment is an open source infrastructure to develop, configure, and run standard Java solutions without build infrastructure nor deployment procedures and so reduces development operations costs significantly.

During development and maintenance you do not need to have a local build environment installed that complements your source code.

The z2-Environment rebuilds Java sources as required and selectively from your development workspace leading to fast development roundtrips and consistent deployments, and ultimately to minimized integration pains.

This Wiki contains answers to all kinds of practical questions on using Z2.

Getting Started

If you want to get a real quick understanding of what Z2 is and how to give it a try start here:

In addition please follow the exploration trail at

check out the z2-Environment.

If you are looking for an in-depth documentation explaining concepts and approaches in full detail, please visit the documentation pages at

v2.0 documentation


Howtos provide practical information on various aspects that you may run into when looking deeper.


There are various samples available that highlight specific use-cases and may serve as a solution template, when you just cannot get it to work or do not know where to start.


The z2 base distribution is really just the most basic but still practically useful set of z2 modules. Addon repositories provide additional modules that add complete feature sets. Addons are versioned along with z2 base and may be included by simply adding component repositories. See also How_to_Create_a_Complete_System.

Support & Getting help

For getting help please refer to the FAQ. Discussions about z2-environment can be find in the z2-environment forums.

Before submitting a bug report, a patch or a feature request here, please read the Submission guidelines.


Old Pages

Sample macro.
Displays a list of all available macros, including description if available.
Displays a list of child pages. With no argument, it displays the child pages of the current wiki page. Examples:

{{child_pages}} -- can be used from a wiki page only
{{child_pages(depth=2)}} -- display 2 levels nesting only
{{child_pages(Foo)}} -- lists all children of page Foo
{{child_pages(Foo, parent=1)}} -- same as above with a link to page Foo
Includes a wiki page. Examples:

{{include(projectname:Foo)}} -- to include a page of a specific project wiki
Inserts of collapsed block of text. Examples:

This is a block of text that is collapsed by default.
It can be expanded by clicking a link.

{{collapse(View details...)
With custom link text.
Displays a clickable thumbnail of an attached image.
Default size is 200 pixels. Examples:

{{thumbnail(image.png, size=300, title=Thumbnail)}} -- with custom title and size
Displays an issue link including additional information. Examples:

{{issue(123)}}                              -- Issue #123: Enhance macro capabilities
{{issue(123, project=true)}}                -- Andromeda - Issue #123: Enhance macro capabilities
{{issue(123, tracker=false)}}               -- #123: Enhance macro capabilities
{{issue(123, subject=false, project=true)}} -- Andromeda - Issue #123
drawio widget plugin to embed diagrams. Example usage:

{{drawio(diagram_attachment.xml[, ...options...])}}

Use to draw diagrams, save them locally and attach to wiki or issue pages.
On page view, the diagrams are sent to site for rendering.

lightbox=false  : enable lightbox usage
resize=false    : enable zoom control toolbar
zoom=100        : initial zoom of diagram (percentage of original diagram)
fit=true        : fit page width (only if resize=false)
hilight=#0000ff : color to hilight hyperlinks
Macro for embedding diagrams stored as attachments. Example usage:

{{drawio_attach(myDiagram[, ...options...])}}

The diagram is draw from the attachment myDiagram.png; if you want to use the
SVG image format, specify thw '.svg' document extension. If the attachment doesn't exists
a default diagram wil be drawn. Double click it to start editing.

Every time a diagram is saved, a new attachment will be created; for now you must 
manually delete old attachments (missing Redmine API; version 3.3.0 seems to have included
an API to delete attachments but need investigation).

size=number : forced width of the diagram image, in pixels

Updated by Udo Offermann over 12 years ago · 21 revisions